Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by levi h. dowling Essay

The Aquarian Gospel of deliveryman the Christ by levi h. dowling - Essay ExampleJesus teachings were a product of a long education process which was not simply handed down from heaven. I learned of Mary and Elizabeths study of the laws and other apparitional doctrines in the first few chapters of the Aquarian Gospel which is inspiring. It states of Mary, (the wo human beings who have been prophesied to be the mother of Jesus) studying not just the sacred books of Jewish law, but of Buddhism, Persian religion, the prominent Tao and its philosophy. Moreover, it narrates Mary? participation in Jesus early education, which was not mentioned at all in the widely accepted bible. It showed Jesus as an ordinary man who has to find his way to attain oneness with God. What are your initial intuitive thoughts about the reading? At first, I find the book very challenging and questions its authenticity, especially it was explained in the foreword that the book was taken from Akashic Records w hich denotes a collection of mystical knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence (Dowling), therefore it does not have material basis unlike the books in the Bible which has been transcribed from Dead Sea scrolls dugged up from archaeological research. But as I go through reading, it no longer matter whether its content did materially exist, but I was impressed to learn that Jesus subjected his own idea and beliefs in colloquy with different sages and priests of different faith and religious tradition, in different parts of the world. Has it influenced your thinking? Yes. I realized people like us need not busy ourselves looking for the true church. For in the end, our oneness with God will not come from our adherence with a certain denomination or religious tradition. True church will emanate from each one of us, as a consequence of our sincere love and respect for each of Gods creation. This is the very same unending process that Jesus undertakes, while he was here on Earth. Jesus is the LIGHT. Did the reading contradict your previous ways of thinking, upbringing, pagan background etc. How? In some ways it contradicted to my age long beliefs and knowledge on Christianity but at the same time it enriches my faith. I grew up with a dominantly prevailing patriarchal view that God is male. Jesus reference to the Holy Breath as feminine is an antithesis to it. Moreover, it impresses that Christ death on the regulate is not equivalent to the redemption of humanity from sin which we simply need to swear in it to attain salvation as I was made to believe in. Each of us has to work for our redemption and that Jesus Christ is the LIGHT that showed us the way towards oneness with God. Jesus human side than divine which is more than precisely presented in this book, gives me a deeper sense of hope for ordinary carnal and mortal man and woman like me ,that it is indeed possible to model our spiritedness accordingly to Jesus. Did you feel it was worthwhi le reading? Very much, its a very enlightening and inspiring book. Aquarian Gospel is revolutionary in our time of ample divide, where majority of people in the world are wallowing in poverty and a few elites are enjoying the earths resources. It is worthy to be reminded that Jesus communed among the sudras, the lowest among the Hindu caste, the outcast and preached the liberation to the sick, blind and the poor and criticized the hypocrisy of high priests, teachers of law, Brahms, Pharisees and scribes. Jesus taking

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